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How you can help Ukrainian Vets

Do you have a spare room?
Accommodation in your practice that is not being used?

As the UK Government Homes for Ukraine scheme requires UK residents to give the name(s) of individuals coming from Ukraine, The British Veterinary Association - BVA , have organised an initiative that works to help “match” UK vets who had accommodation to offer with Ukrainian vets and their families seeking to secure entry to the UK.

By completing the                           your details are potentially matched with a Ukrainian vet (and their family). A member of BVA staff will then connect you via email and will share your email address and the Ukrainian person’s email address. If contact via email is unsuccessful, we may also share phone numbers. We will not share home address information – we are only asking for this information in case there are geographical considerations.

PLEASE READ: Before completing this form, you must register with the UK Government Homes for Ukraine scheme 
Please click here for the UK Government page 
This ensures all safeguarding checks are carried out and will be the way to formally connect with a Ukrainian refugee in order to sponsor them to come to the UK. If you are not matched with a named Ukrainian vet during Phase 1, the UK Government may use your details to match you with another Ukrainian refugee in Phase 2.

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